Lighting up the LSST Fiber Optic Network: From Summit to Base to Archive
April 11, 2018 - The LSST Network Engineering Team is pleased to announce the first successful transfer of digital data over LSST/AURA 100 gigabit per second fiber optic networks from the Summit Site on [...]
Advances in ICT are highlights of the technical scientific event presented by RNP in Campos do Jordão
WRNP 2018 brings debates around e-Science, cloud computing, and STI policies Members of the research community will meet at the Campos do Jordão Convention Center, in the state of São Paulo, for the 19th edition [...]
Internet2 Global Summit 2018
AmLigth Team presented Americas Africa Research and eduCation Lightpaths (AARCLight) Study findings for year one (NSF award #1638990), AtlanticWave-SDX (NSF award#1451024), and current status and future goals for the AmLight Express and Protect (AmLight-ExP)(NSF award #1451018) projects [...]
South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC) Meeting 2018
This meeting is planned for Friday, May 18th, 2018 Time: 11:00 am (Miami EDT) Location: Virtual online Please register here. To download a pdf version the October 2017 SAACC report click here. For the report from this meeting (May [...]
Are you a R&E network with a story to tell? “in The FIELD” wants to hear it!
Advanced ICT is the core of the global network of research & education networks, but these critical networks are made up of much more than fiber, pipes, routers, and switches. Research & education networking infrastructure traverses the [...]
Amlight-Exp Activates two new 100 Gbps Points-of-Presence Enhancing Infrastructure for Research and Education
PRESS RELEASE Media Contact: Heidi Morgan, Co-Founder CIARA FIU Information Science Institute USC Miami, Florida, March 29, 2018 – Florida International University’s Center for Internet Augmented Research and Assessment (CIARA) is pleased to announce [...]