SAACC Charge
Given the extensive use of AmLight by the astronomical community, the AmLight PI has convened a South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC) that is comprised of representatives from various astronomy projects who are conducting projects or operating observatories in South America. The current chair of the SAACC is Dr. R. Chris Smith, director of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and head of mission for AURA Observatory in Chile, who provides oversight of the Chilean activities of CTIO, Gemini, SOAR, and LSST. The SAACC serves not only to provide input and advice to the AmLight PI and the Steering Committee on program and network needs, but also serves as a venue for coordinating the needs of these astronomical projects and institutions to improve their resource planning and implementation of operational connections between these distant facilities and users in the continental US.
Time Description
8:00:00 AM Welcome Remarks and Introduction Chris Smith (SAACC Chair), Julio Ibarra (AmLight PI)
Presentation Download
Project Status Reports since the 27-March-2012 Meeting:
– Changes in science applications that affect network requirements?
– Updates or resolutions to network issues?
8:15:00 AM
AURA and affiliated facilities (Ron Lambert)
LSST (Jeff Kantor) Presentation Download
ALMA/NRAO (David Halstead) Presentation Download
-Update on performance of network connection between SCO and NRAO?
ALMA Chilean and International Connectivity (Giorgio Filippi) Presentation Download
New Projects to the SAACC:
CCAT (Giorgio Filippi) Presentation Download
LAGO/Auger Collaboration (Xavier Bertou) Presentation Download
Break (10 minutes)
Updates from International and National Network Providers
What changes occurred or are planned to the AmLight connections, or partner networks that could affect the SAACC community? For example, change at a technology or operational levels.
10:30 AmLight: Chip Cox / Julio Ibarra Presentation Download
– Update on performance monitoring using perfSONAR (julio Ibarra and James Grace)
– AmLight network engineering (Chip Cox and Jeronimo Aguiar)
10:45 RedCLARA
10:55 REUNA (Sandra Jaque) Presentation Download
11:05 RNP (Leandro Ciuffo)
11:15 ANSP (Luis Lopez) Presentation Download
Roundtable Discussion (25 minutes):
– Expanding SAACC to include Mexico and related disciplines?
How can AmLight network resources into Mexico benefit the astronomy community?
– Other topics of interest?
Next Steps:
– Annual face-to-face meeting in conjuction with other conferences
Discuss possible venues to hold a future face-face meeting.
– Video teleconferences every 6 months
Identify week to schedule the next video conference