AmLight South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC)
219th AAS Meeting — Austin, TX
January 10, 2012 5:30 – 8:30 PM
I. Overview of AmLight
a. Idea(s) behind the proposal, high level
II. Introduction to South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC)
III. Technical update on the network resources
a. Timelines for 1Gbps link, 10Gbps link
IV. Updates from current key players
b. AURA/CTIO+SOAR+Gemini (including DES),
V. Announcement of stand-alone, international networking conference
Registration Information
General Information for 219th AAS Meeting — Austin, TX:
1. To register online follow #1 under “How to Register”
– If you are not currently a member or are a nonmember you can create a record to login and register for the meeting. – Create New AAS Nonmember Record
– If you are a member or a nonmember that has created a record in the past you can log in and register for the meeting you are interested in. – Login To Your Account
2.After signing in, you can choose which functions you would like to attend. You can choose from the “AAS 219th Meeting Registration” to attend the whole AAS meeting or just the “Tuesday-One Day Meeting Registration” for the SAACC presentation on 1//10/2012.
-There is a Function Detail menu to the right of the page with a fee breakdown and other function information.
Participating Organizations
ALMA, DES, e-VLBI, SOAR, CTIO, Gemini-South, LSST, Las Campanas/Carnegie, Magellan Observatories, Giant Magellan Telescope Project
Attend SAACC meeting on Skype
If you are unable to join us in Austin, TX for the South American Astronomy Coordination Committee (SAACC), we would like to invite you to attend via Skype. There are only 8 connections available. Please confirm by January 2nd, 2012 by emailing and cc: with following information:
Skype User ID: