Project Description

Project Title: Dimensions: Coexistence, Herbivore Host Choice, and Plant-Herbivore Evolution in the Recently Radiated and Speciose Neotropical Tree Genus, Inga @ University of Utah: This project will explore how the interactions between plants and the insects that consume plants (herbivores) may contribute to this high diversity. Ongoing loss of biodiversity is a critical issue for science and society. The research will be communicated to different audiences in order to enhance their appreciation of nature and science. The team will create a theater of biodiversity for school children and families in Utah, conduct Tom Sawyer style Saturday science days for children from poor communities near the Brazil and Peru field stations, give presentations on tropical diversity for tourists and develop the use of Inga in agroforestry in Peru. The integrative project will also create an open, accessible website to share data and other project results, and to facilitate related research by other scientists.
Collaborators: United States, Peru, and Brazil
AmLight requirements: Small file transfer and occasional large file transfers at speeds between 100Mpbs to 1Gbps
